Sunday, 23 June 2013

Organics Rx Sea-Kelp 100, 32 fl. oz.

Organics Rx Sea-Kelp 100, 32 fl. oz.

  • Harvested along the North Atlantic shoreline and reconstituted into a liquid concentrate, Sea Kelp 100 contains natural organic growth hormones known as Cytokinins (carbohydrates) which release essential minerals into soil
  • Sea Kelp will open up the plants root system to allow for more effective water and mineral uptake
  • Helps correct soil pH and attracts beneficial earthworms. Use on any plant, tree or vine that is dormant or stressed, and watch it grow
Organics Rx has designed a safe, organic and easy to use dry plant nutrition for all your growing needs. Stimulates new growth, increases vegetable, tomato and flower yields and reduces plant stress caused by severe environmental conditions such as heat, frost and drought. Helps rebuild overworked dead soil and allows beneficial microbes to live and thrive.

List Price: $ 17.34 Price: $ 12.79

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Read more... Organics Rx Sea-Kelp 100, 32 fl. oz.

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